What maximum mass do you think a block of natural gold will have? The following information may surprise you. That is, Alaskan miners found a completely natural block of gold weighing up to 10 kg. Although 23 years after its discovery, this gold block was put up for sale at a very high price. It brings great profits to those who discover it. Below, ideaeum.com will provide more detailed information about this giant gold block for your reference.
Miners in Alaska found large blocks of gold in nature weighing up to 10 kg. One of the largest blocks of gold ever found. For sale in Dallas for $1 million. 23 years after the first discovery in Alaska.
Miner Barry Clay discovered a 10kg gold nugget. In the mining area of Alaska, USA, in 1998. He found valuable ruins from the “Klondike Gold Rush” of 1896. While driving a bulldozer pushing dirt along the banks of Swift Creek. Barry Clay realized he had hit the jackpot. He buried the gold nugget under the Alaskan tree. Before you think about what to do with it.
Finally, he decided to send the gold bar to experts for examination. Experts say this is the second largest gold bar ever found in the Western Hemisphere. And the largest ever in Alaska. The person who bought the gold bar from Clay more than 20 years ago. I am currently auctioning off the bullion in Dallas. Along with a host of other precious works.
This is the world’s second largest gold block discovered
A spokesman for the Heritage auction site said: “The Alaska Centennial is the largest block of gold ever found in the state of Alaska. It was discovered in 1998 near the town of Ruby, Alaska. Barry Clay was the one who discovered this important discovery and immediately made history. Later, Clay sold the gold bar to a private collector and it is still owned by this person.”
The Alaska Centennial is recorded as the largest gold nugget found in Alaska, only smaller than the “Boot of Cortez” jade nugget in Mexico that weighs more than 11 kg. In this auction, in addition to the Alaska centennial gold block, there are also two native gold blocks discovered in the Venezuelan jungle in the 1980s. Experts predict that they will reach $300,000 and $600,000, respectively.
Around Alaska – where a giant block of gold was discovered
Alaska is an American state, but it does not border the United States. Part of the Alaskan land belt overlaps Canada’s Humatis Mountains, the remaining three sides face the sea, located near the tip of Vladivostok, Russia.
The reason why Alaska has such a position is because it used to be part of the territory of Russia. In 1863, the greedy Czar sold Alaska cheaply to the United States. Known as the golden land of America since ancient times, gold mining in Alaska has been highly developed. Every year this country provides more than 62,000 tons of pure gold to the American treasury. Here there are open pit gold mines located just a few meters underground. It is said that when the Russian Tsar decided to sell Alaska to the United States, the Russian Emperor did not expect that he had sold a “pot” of the country’s gold and also the largest gold mine in the world.