Speed and stealth ability “match both swords” on the F-22 Raptor

The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor (“Raptor”) is a fifth-generation, single-pilot, twin-engine stealth tactical fighter developed for the United States Air Force to replace the F-series 15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon. As a product of the advanced tactical aircraft (ATF) development program, the F-22 was built by contractors Lockheed Martin and Boeing to achieve absolute air superiority, but also has the ability to attack the ground, electronic warfare and artificial intelligence integration; Its beyond-visual air combat capabilities turn it into an unrivaled super fighter.

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Two F-22A training flights. Photo: wikipedia.org.

The F-22 Raptor has officially been in service with the US Air Force since 2005, first participating in the mission to destroy the IS terrorist command post in 2015, and is one of only two 5th generation fighter models. in the world have entered service and are in actual combat. The F-22 is an important component of the US Tactical Air Force’s strength thanks to its combination of stealth, high mobility, integration of many sophisticated electronic devices and powerful weapons systems.

F-22 Raptor is 18.9m long, 5.10m high, has a wingspan of 13.6m, empty weight of 19.7 tons, maximum takeoff weight of 38 tons; possesses an extremely small radar reflectivity area (RCS) (only about 0.0001m2 – equivalent to a coin, even a marble; for comparison: the RSC of the Su-57 is up to 0.5m2 and the F-35 is 0.001 m2). The F-22 can combine stealth capabilities and supersonic flight speed, cruise speed at Mach 1.8 (more than 2,200km/h), and has quite high mechanical durability. Besides the European EF-2000, no other aircraft can do this, including the F-35 and Su-57.

Before the F-22 production line stopped operating, a total of 187 fighters of this type were shipped, however only 183 are currently on duty. The US Air Force was once confident that one F-22 could destroy up to 10 Su-30s in air combat, so the production number only required 187 aircraft. With the defense budget expected to increase under Trump, there are currently a number of proposals from US lawmakers to reproduce the F-22 to maintain absolute air superiority over opponents.

“War God” F-22 – the only hope to help America maintain air superiority

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The F-22 is equipped with an extremely powerful phased array radar system AN/APG-77v1 capable of detecting targets up to 1m2 at a distance of 240km. The pilot only needs to press the button to fire the AIM-120D missile with a range of up to 180km to destroy a target when the opponent has not yet realized its presence in the area. In addition to the M61A2 six-barrel cannon, the F-22 Raptor has three weapons bays located in the fuselage and external pylons. For air combat, the F-22 will carry six AIM-120C AMRAAM missiles with a range of 120km and two AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles.

To attack the ground, the F-22 carries 3 GBU-32 JDAM 204kg smart bombs or 3 GBU-30 JDAM 454kg smart bombs and a small number of air-to-air missiles. For patrol missions, the F-22 only carries four extra oil tanks and eight AIM-9 short-range missiles. Upgraded radar and sensors help the F-22 gain valuable information about the target and share it with other fighter jets like the F-15 Strike Eagle. In the future, the F-22 may become a “partner” supporting the sixth generation fighter – PCA, similar to the current coordination between fourth and fifth generation fighters.

According to design parameters, the F-22 has a flight range of 3,200km, a ceiling of 18km, and a lifespan of about 8,000 flight hours (Russian Sukhoi aircraft typically only have a flight lifespan of about 2,000 – 4,000 hours) before requiring overhaul. mid-life upgrade, however, in reality, this fighter’s lifespan can reach 15,000 flight hours without needing upgrades or repairs – something no previous fighter has achieved.

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F-22 launches heat trap bait. Photo: wallpapermemory.com.

In theory, the aircraft is equipped with a state-of-the-art infrared target search and tracking system (IRST) that can detect and track the F-22 stealth fighter at quite a distance. However, even in good weather, detecting the F-22 with the IRST system is ineffective, because the scanning range of this system is poor on radar while the F-22’s RCS is too small. The F-22 is integrated with a powerful active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, a new electronic warfare system, thrust vectoring engines and a long enough range to minimize the need for aerial refueling. The F-22’s ability to evade radar allows it to operate in tightly defended airspace, where fourth-generation fighters like the F-18 or F-15 would be vulnerable.

In April 2006, the US Audit Office estimated that the total cost for each F-22 Raptor was 361 million USD. Although it is the most expensive fighter in the world, it has never once participated in major US military campaigns and has only left US territory a few times to airstrike against Islamic State rebels in Iraq and actual combat in Syria. Using the most advanced fighter jet to bomb a terrorist organization with little air defense capability, the US government is facing a lot of criticism for “using a buffalo scalpel to kill chickens” because of the F-15E fighter jet. Or specialized bombers like the B-1 are more than enough to attack IS.

Military experts have also pointed out that although it can perform bombing missions, the F-22 Raptor’s strongest advantage is its air combat ability. The use of the F-22 Raptor to bomb IS has no other purpose than to “test” the combat capabilities of the pilots, and at the same time, also to “deter” countries opposing the US in China. East like Iran, Syria or radical anti-American terrorist organizations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Recently, the Pentagon also dispatched 6 F-22s to participate in joint exercises with Malaysia as a strong warning signal to China.

Will Iran be an opportunity for the F-22 “raptor” to show off?

Because there are currently no worthy opponents in the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the US Air Force is forced to accept expanding the mission of the F-22 Raptor super fighter to focus on destroying ground targets like the F-16. (much cheaper than the F-22 Raptor) or the F-35 Lightning multi-mission fighter (can undertake more missions than the F-22 Raptor). The F-22 Raptor has proven its value by acting as a “coordinator” in US airstrike campaigns in the uncertain airspace of Iraq and Syria.

According to sources, Iran has developed and begun producing a series of domestic radar systems with many superior features, capable of detecting all flying targets, including stealth, such as the Arash radar system (using VHF, UHF and HF bands), Silent Radar (passive phased array; can be installed and deployed in a short time, does not emit any radar waves, and therefore, cannot be detected by the enemy detection), Ghadir (with a horizontal range of up to 1,100km, a height of 300km), helps improve the detection ability of the integrated air defense network.

Iran has also invested in building asymmetric anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) capabilities, combining modern technology and guerrilla tactics to prevent the US from deploying forces and moving freely. due to the Persian Gulf. If the US-Iran conflict breaks out, it will revolve around Tehran’s capabilities, as well as how Washington neutralizes this capability. According to experts, to deal with this scenario, the US may have to apply a “large-scale blinding” campaign.

During the early stages of conflict, the US military will seek to weaken, disrupt connections and eliminate command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, reconnaissance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) networks… to open the way to attack Iran’s mobile command and radar systems. Attacks from submarines, electronic warfare weapons and cyber attacks can disable early warning radars, maritime reconnaissance systems and command posts; US bombers can fire long-range guided missiles, while special forces units penetrate territory to sabotage the enemy’s C4ISR network.

Tehran can use electronic warfare complexes to disable GPS signals and C4ISR systems, eliminate the ability to guide many types of weapons, and even attack networks to prevent the US from deploying troops and carrying out war. pandemic. An important element in the US military campaign is mastery of airspace. Iran’s air defense can camouflage, continuously maneuver and use bait to ambush, while the air force is equipped with many modern aircraft and a network of fortified silos deep in its territory ready to strike. suddenly entered the American aircraft formations.

To respond, the US will have to use stealth fighters F-22, F-35 and B-2 bombers to launch a pre-emptive strike, neutralizing Iran’s air defense network before older fighter jets participate. war. This is a very difficult task if the US Air Force lacks a forward base and the Navy cannot deploy aircraft carriers near the Iranian coast. If a conflict occurs, the risk of confrontation between the US F-22 and Iran’s F-14 will become a reality, because the F-22 stealth fighter will certainly be launched to suppress the F-14 to gain the upper hand. for the US because of concerns about Iran’s extremely powerful air defense system.

The combination of the F-14, the AWG-9 Doppler long-range radar and the AIM 54A air-to-air missile with a range of about 190km creates a formidable weapon for the Iranian air force – able to track dozens of targets and target them. Shoot 6 large targets at the same time. The F-22 Raptor’s active phased array AN/APG-77 radar can detect the F-14 from hundreds of kilometers away, while the radar on the F-14 is almost “blind” when the F-22 approaches.

Even if the F-22 Raptor aircraft runs out of long-range missiles and must fight at close range, they can still take advantage of the stealth feature and get close to the F-14 without being detected, and destroy the F-14 with AIM-9X missile or 20mm Vulcan cannon. According to Business Insider, with many superior features, the F-22 Rapor is currently the only fighter that can help the US effectively deal with threats to maintain absolute superiority in the air.

According to vov.vn